The Arm Hugger set includes foot huggers that make your patients more comfortable, by allowing their hip rotator muscles to relax as much as possible!
The Arm Hugger replaces arm bolsters and the armrest, which combined cost over $150, they are unstable and cannot safely handle larger patients.
Not only do Arm Huggers replace two products, but they also add another function of hugging the feet and relaxing the gluteal muscles, while you work other areas of the body.
ARM HUGGERS by MYO RELAXERS LLC Imagine ‘Comfortably working on any size patient, only limited by the working weight of your table, no matter how narrow your table is!
We do not recommend the use of hard surface cleaners; however, the following cleaners/disinfectants have been tested for use on this material, diluted per the manufacturer's instructions:
Marks are the property of their respective owners. No affiliation or endorsement is implied. Bold items have EPA Reg. Nos. which appear on the EPA's List of Disinfectants for use against SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.
If these cleaners / disinfectants are used, the material must be rinsed with clean water and dried with a clean cloth following application. Failure to rinse thoroughly with clean water and to pat dry may lead to cleaner build up and cause surface deterioration (cracking, blisters, peeling, discoloration, etc.).
Do not use cleaners marked "for hard non-porous surfaces only" unless indicated above. Such use may cause surface deterioration (cracking, blisters, peeling, discoloration, etc.).